SoSafe can help your business develop a robust health & safety culture.

Policies and Procedures

All policies, procedures and forms are individualised according to your organisations needs.

RISK Management

  • Workplace assessment

  • Hazard identification

  • Risk assessment

  • Implementation and review of hazards control measures

  • Accident reporting, recording and investigation

Health & Safety Audits

Effective risk management requires regular evaluation of hazards (both new and existing).

An audit involves a thorough review of your health and safety systems and processes, followed by a written report of the findings, and recommendations for any corrective actions.

ACC Discount Programmes

SoSafe can help your business secure a discount on ACC levies, with the ACC Partnership Programme.

We can help you with:

  • attaining the appropriate level of health & safety proficiency to get the discount

  • maintaining the discount

  • audit preparation

Injury Management & Rehabilitation

Prompt responses after an injury, along with structured rehabilitation systems, are fundamental in supporting a successful return to work outcome for ill or injured staff.

Emergency Procedures

Assistance is offered in the development of Fire Evacuation Schemes, Emergency Procedures and the provision of Fire warden training.


We can help you develop a fire evacuation scheme, and we provide fire warden training.